HBA Donor Tips

HBA Donor Tips



  • Ensure wet donors are at least 60 days post calving prior to the flush date.
  • Treat with Selovin LA and Copper Free Multimin injection 4-6 weeks pre calving.
  • Drench and treat with Copper Free Multimin injection minimum 4 weeks prior to program commencing.
  • Avoid injecting reproductive hormone into fat pockets, such as the P8 site. Use lower hind leg muscle.
  • Try to give FSH injections as close as possible to 12-hour intervals.
  • Make arrangements for accurate heat checking and record standing heat time.
  • AI at both 12 & 24 hours post standing heat (ideal) or at 18 hours post standing heat.
  • Remember that your program will bespoke for you, so please check details before you begin.


  • Feed adlib oaten hay, ensuring hay is clean and bright and no obvious black mould spots.
  • Feed hay at least 30 days prior to AI date.
  • Avoid high eostrogen clovers such as white clover and avoid any lush green feed (by-pass protein).
  • Feed 1 kg per head of whole oats each morning and night from day of Cidr insert to 4 days post AI.
  • Avoid any stress including handling, muddy pens/paddocks, socialisation and reduce the impact of weather events (shade, shelter etc..).

Mascot Donor Management Centre

Mascot on centre embryo recovery averages 20% more viable embryos than on farm. Mascot Donor Management Centre staff are professional stockmen, and your donors receive the best possible care and nutrition with a vet on hand at all times. Staff are discrete, no-one can inspect your donors without your written permission. So, if you find on farm donor management challenging, please consider booking them into the centre. Costs are similar to on farm management, so please call HBA to discuss.

The HBA Team are always here for you, so please contact us if you have any questions.